The Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority – West (SLFPA-W) began closing floodgates July 10, 2019 in anticipation of Tropical Storm Barry. The 50-person team has been working diligently to ensure the system is ready. The team trains for this type of event and exercises the gates once per year. Thus far, they have not run into any issues.
As of the afternoon of July 11, 2019, all gates, with the exception of 14, were closed. SLFPA-W anticipates closing Bayou Segnette and Harvey Sector gate sometime on July 12, 2019, with the possibility of operating the West Closure Complex on Saturday, July 13, 2019. Their current plan is to leave a vehicular gate at LA 45 open.
For more information, and updates on floodgate closures, please visit:

In preparation for Tropical Storm Barry, Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority – W (SLFPA-W) closed all gates in the system for the first time in the history of the levee district. This includes all gates on the river, as well as in the hurricane protection system. Throughout the day on Saturday, July 13, the team at SLFPA-W manned and operated the West Closure Complex to keep water levels down in Algiers and Harvey Canal.