MARRERO, La. Jul 14, 2019 – The Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority – West (SLFPA-W) will begin opening floodgates along Peters Road this morning. The Boomtown gate should be open by 9:00 a.m. SLFPA-W will also open up the LA-45 floodgate and the floodgates inside Bayou Segnette State Park.
Opening thresholds for sector gate at Bayou Segnette is 1’ currently there is 1.67’ differential, delaying the opening of the Bayou Segnette Sector gate to the afternoon. Remaining gates on the river and perimeter will be opened on Monday, July 15. This will be the final Situational Report and the Emergency Operations Center will shut down at 2:00 p.m. today.
The current status is as follows:
Gate Status
West Closure Complex will be opened by 9:00 a.m.
Bayou Segnette is expected to be opened in the afternoon.
Harvey Canal Sector Gate will be opened when gauge reads 2’ and falling.
LA-45 gate at Barataria will be opened by 2:00 p.m.
SLFPA-W received and fulfilled a request for jumbo sandbags to plug breaches in levees in Plaquemines Parish. National Guard will deliver approximately 200 bags today.
Coordination calls are ongoing with NWS, USACE, USCG, GOHSEP, CPRA and JP officials.
SLFPA-W has begun to operate pumps at West Closure Complex, Bayou Segnette and Harvey Sector Gate.
For location and status of floodgates please visit:
For further updates on gate closures please visit the SLFPA-W website at:
The mission of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority – West is to protect the citizens and businesses of the West Bank of the greater New Orleans area in Jefferson and Orleans Parishes from hurricanes and riverine flooding by inspecting, operating and maintaining the integrity of our levees, floodwalls and floodgates. It is composed of two levee districts: the West Jefferson Levee District in Jefferson Parish and the Algiers Levee District in Orleans Parish. The Authority has jurisdiction over 80 miles of levees in the most populated areas of the West Bank of Jefferson Parish and in all of Orleans Parish on the West Bank, including 47 miles of levees that are part of the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS) and 33 miles of Mississippi River levees. Since 2006, all of the Authority’s levees and floodwalls have been improved for the protection of residents in south Louisiana. For more information, visit